
Sigrid Ymir
Viera | Veena
Age: ???
Height: 6'3"
Pronouns: (she/her)
Orientation: Bi-Pan
Main Jobs: BLU-SGE-BLM
likes: expensive things, pathetic men, tall women
dislikes: nature, exercise, noble causes, the unknown
Wherever there's an adventurer in need of healing or a mob in need of harm-doing, Sigrid is willing to lend her aid- for the right price that is. Bold and Brilliant, she always finds a way to turn a profit.To Sigrid, everything is a transaction. Every conversation, every relationship- there's always something to be leveraged from those who she encounters. She prides herself on her heart of ice (easily melted though it may be) and does not suffer fools lightly. Overconfident to a fault, conniving to the point of farce, and stubborn as the Skatay Mountains from which she hails.
But that was then and this is now. And while Sigrid is still Sigrid, it's been hard for her to know exactly which Sigrid she is recently. Her mind is full of memories of what could have been and what still could be. Echoes of herself across time and sometimes space guiding her through their own missteps and triumphs.Though she sometimes loses sight of the original her, Sigrid is still Sigrid- no matter the time or place.
Located between the aetherless wastes of the Burn and the imperial occupied Dalmasca, the snow laid Ymir woods of the Skatay Mountain Range had little to offer those who could not hear the words of the wood.The woods whispered words of healing and magic into the ears of young Svana. But they must have spoken different words to her sisters, for they found their causes in the liberation of the world beyond their lands. Each met their end away from their home and the forest did naught but curse them for it. “The wood mourns those who leave it, it longs for their return” Her mother had said to her. Svana then understood that her sisters found their purpose not through the words the wood spoke to them, but in spite of them.She thought them fools for giving their lives for some far away cause. No matter how noble they believed it to be.Svana longed for a world away from the voice of woods, but could not bring herself to leave her mother or the scant comfort the familiarity of the forest offered. Until, a traveling salesman stumbled upon the Forest of Ymir.The lalafell's name was Udita Cidita and he was obviously lost and completely out of his depth, trying to peddle decorative armors and weapons to a people who had not a single Gil between them .In this lalafell Svana saw her chance for freedom. Though she may have exaggerated a bit when she told the lalafell that the Viera had planned to kill him, it was the leverage she needed to convince him to teach her all he knew about the world.Under the guise of his savior, Svana left the woods with the lalafell with only a single solemn farewell to her mother. One last tradition Svana would honor would be to adopt a new name as she abandoned the Green Word once and for all. With this she became Sigrid Ymir.

The two traveled through Othard together as Sigrid learned about the value of Gil. Gil was everything in the outside world. There was no greater measure of worth than the size of one’s coin purse, and there was no tactic too underhanded in keeping what you could while taking what others would give.Though she had no goods to sell, she still had the gift of healing magicks she had been given by the woods and Udita had taught her how she could sell her gift as a service. The exhilaration of receiving her first Gil was unlike anything she had ever felt before. It was only matched by earning her next Gil, and the next after that.Sigrid learned to bargain and haggle and squeeze as much Gil as she could out of those who sought her services.

She was a hero for a time. The Warrior of Light. The Champion of Eorzea. The Seat of Azem. But all of that ended when the universe did.Unable to avert the Final Days, Sigrid sought a different path, One taken by the Crystal Exarch in preventing the Eighth Umbral Calamity. Using the Crystal Tower of the First and the blood the Exarch left behind in one of the soul vessels he had crafted, Sigrid traveled back through time to find a Champion more suitable than her to save all of creation from ruin.But something strange happened when she passed through the rift. Her echo fractured and split, stretching out across the timeless void. Since then, visions of other's memories don't come to her. Instead, they are only her own. Each night she's visited by visions of her own memories. Echoed dreams of her alternate selves. Some terrifying in their destruction, others enviable in their triumph, but each as useful as the last in helping steer the world on course.With conflicting memories flooding her mind, keeping exactly who she is straight has been a task all its own. One she's been neglecting for quite some time now...

Martyn was a reflection of the woman she had been when she first came to Ul’dah- if she had been half as cunning and twice as unlucky.That there was someone actually like her among all the altruistic do-gooders with noble causes she had met on her quest as the ‘Champion of Eorzea’- it had put her mind at ease.But even Martyn had a noble cause he had committed himself to. And while she rolled her eyes as she aided him in saving the Whalaquee from Whastrach's meddling, she felt something stir within her. Seeing someone she thought to be so much like herself take such strides to help others -Maybe she could be capable of the same.One thing was for sure, someone so prone to taking on bad debts for others sake couldn't be left to manage a Guild alone. Not while Sigrid had a vested interest in the further development of Blue Magic anyhow.

Sigrid picked up Ralofir at the dawn of his journey, fresh off the boat in Limsa Lominsa. With his heart of gold and need for redemption, he was the perfect candidate to do what she couldn't. The two were joined by Li'to, boisterous hunter also blessed by the Echo, when they traveled through Gridania. The lad had his share of barbs to sling, but a heart of compassion all the same. A world away from her home, Lilitt joined the group in the hopes of finding a way back to it. Endlessly inquisitive, she's determined to learn everything about this world and it's technology on her journey back to her own. N'mavi, was adopted into the fold as their adventures brought them to the far beaches of Kugane. Compassionate, considerate, and a genius to boot, the pink haired Miqo'te quickly became the heart of the group. Somehow able to scrape past the edges of Sigrid's visions, she's something of an anomaly to the viera.Together the group formed the Tankards, the last line of defense against the Calamity of the Final Days.

J'hester's kind heart melted through Sigrid's icy exterior almost instantly. The would be victim of one of her scams, she befriended him instead and he quickly became the most important person in her life.She found that she was able to talk to him about everything. That she could truly show her heart without fear of judgment or being taken for all she's worth.Losing J'hester on the march towards Meteion was the catalyst of her spiral into despair. Her obsession with saving him has torn some universes asunder. There's nothing she wouldn't do to have him back at her side.

Sigrid had been surprised when Ridel asked to join his newly formed Free Company. More surprising was the friendships she formed with all the other misfits that he has assembled.Sigrid had never considered anywhere to be home after leaving the woods, until the Menagerie took her in. She would so anything to repay the debt she owed to all of them.
RP hooks
Sigrid is always hiring adventurers to do the heavy lifting during her research ventures. Any brave enough to venture into the darkest recesses of every dark corner of Eorzea need apply. And do read the fine print on your contract.
Sigrid first love is Gil and second love is Magic. The Blue Mage Guild just happens to be the place where the two meet. And while making money is a priority, finding new and more powerful spells is sometimes its own reward. Should one be interested in learning the art of Blue Magic, it would behoove them to approach with a thirst for knowledge...and perhaps a pocket full of Gil.
There isn't a side hustle in the world that Sigrid isn't willing to get in on. If you have a business proposition she's willing to hear you out. Just be sure you're ready to take her on as a buisness partner...
Sigrid understands how time works better than most, and she knows that there's magical means to control it. She just hasn't quite figured it out yet. But she's willing to share her findings on all things time magic for any who are as adamant as she about turning back the hands of time.
She misses the person she one was, whoever that might have been. With all the memories swirlling around inside her head she's not exactly sure. Maybe it's best to remind her where she stands, or maybe even how you met. She may have stories to tell about how it happened differently in another time.
Sigrid has a fascination with Familiars. The cuter the better. If you travel with a familiar she finds particularly alluring she may just stop you to talk about it.
Sigrid is physically weak and elects to use magic to make her physical attacks stronger.
She has a natural green thumb, much to her annoyance.
Can't jump to save her life.
Easier to befriend than you might think